Keyworkers for children, young people and families in Derbyshire
Our new Keyworker service in Derbyshire provides dedicated Keyworkers for children and young people with a learning disability or children and young people who are Autistic at risk of being admitted into a mental health setting or are currently inpatients.

What is a Keyworker in Derbyshire?
The new Keyworker service is being developed as a response to the NHS England long-term plan commitment that by 2023/24 children and young people with a learning disability or children and young people who are Autistic with the most complex needs will have a designated Keyworker.
The Keyworking approach is an important response to ensuring children, young people and families get the right support at the right time, and that local systems are responsive to meeting their needs in a holistic and joined-up way.
The initial phase of this work 2023-24 is focused on “children and young people who are inpatients or at risk of being admitted to hospital”.
Who is eligible for a Keyworker?
Children and young people who are:
- Aged 0 – 25 years old
- Child or young person with a learning disability and/or children and young people who are Autistic
- On the DSR (Dynamic Support Register)
- Live in the Derbyshire area
- Children and young people at risk of hospital admission or awaiting discharge.
What will the Keyworker do?
The Keyworker works closely with the young person and their family members, taking time to get to know everyone and understand what is working well and where more or different support is needed.
The Keyworker will:
- Support the child or young person and their family to set targets for goals they want to achieve
- Get the right support at the time it is needed
- Make sure that the voices of the young person and their family members are heard every step of the way.
Keyworking ensures that local systems are responsive to the needs of children and families. In turn, this means that they can get the right support at the right time, meeting their needs in a holistic and joined-up way.
What is the Dynamic Support Register?
Social workers review information about young people’s care needs on a local database called the Dynamic Support Register, or DSR. It includes what areas of their needs may require enhanced community support.
Keyworkers will predominantly work with children and young people who have been identified as being at risk and are eligible to receive enhanced support to stabilise the situation and find solutions.
For more information, please email