To Amy, Thank you
- Author: Jill Spurr
- Posted:
- 1 min read

It's always lovely to receive feedback from the people we support, and to learn how the support they receive impacts on their life.
But we don't often receive feedback as powerful and beautiful as this.
This poem is for Amy, who is a Keyworker, working with young people in Derbyshire. Della* wrote this beautiful poem, highlighting the difference the service has made to her life. She also read it out in a multi-agency review meeting, and very kindly gave us permission to share it more widely.
Thank you too, Della, and good luck in all you do.
*Della's name has been changed.
To Amy
Thank you
For all that you give, for all that you do,
I just wanted to say how much I thank you!
For the wisdom and knowledge, you share,
And for the times you care,
From the day we first met,
To now, you, I certainly won’t forget!
Thanks for always doing your best,
Even when I’ve put you to the test.
No one has ever known me so well,
In care, you really do excel.
You have been a tremendous blessing,
Seriously I’m not messing!
Thanks for standing up for me,
And for getting people to open their eyes and see,
I need care like you have given,
So I don’t end up as an admission!
I can’t believe I’ve nearly made it to twenty five
And I’m actually still alive!
You came when my skies were dull and black,
I don’t know how I’ll ever pay you back,
I’m so grateful for what you’ve done,
It’s to you how far I have come.
You have given me life and hope,
So hopefully now I’ll cope!
Just let me say,
And hopefully convey,
For all you have done,
You don’t know how much I will miss you when you’re gone!
You’ve been absolutely super,
It’s because of you I now have a future,
I really can’t express it’s true,
How much I really thank you!